Sunday, June 6, 2010

Let Him In?

He somehow opened her heart, but she's afraid to let him see how much he's affected her.

She loves him with all her being, but cannot let him see that - he might hurt her, and her heart is already too scarred from being torn apart over the years. Instead, she keeps part of her shield up.

Yet, all she wants to do is let him know....she's growing weary of protecting herself. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if he knew?

But she also knows that if he rejects her in any way, she'll never trust again. She's not sure if she's willing to risk that.

How did she let this happen: loving him so deeply, so completely like this? Perhaps because he's her best friend.  It scares her to her very core.

On the other hand, he's done nothing to hurt her; nothing to stop her from completely trusting him. On the contrary, he's shown her he loves her & has always been honest with her. He gave her the greatest gift he could have: loved her just as she is.

He's her best friend, and she his. No one has had more of a window into her soul than he, nor ever will.

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