Sunday, April 5, 2009

*Mr. Schoonaveld
*How I view myself

1 comment:

  1. Steven:
    I miss you more today than I did 3 months ago when I lost you. Has it only been 3 months?! It feels like years. Life is so very lonely without you, my love, my best friend. Do you ever think of me? Most likely not. You have your own life; your own family. And that's OK. All I ever want for you is happiness. Are you happy? I sincerely hope so.
    Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night; thinking about all you taught me, all you showed me, how you loved me. Last night was one of those nights.
    I blame myself for losing you. If I had not encouraged you, we would probably still be friends.
    Though I've slipped a little behind, I've not strayed down the path we started together - the journey towards God. That's still something that's most important to me. It's just a LOT harder doing it without your guidance. Your insights were invaluable to me. You got me thinking outside the tiny box I was brought up in. I miss those left-field insights.
    In fact, I miss being able to simply send you a smile in the middle of the day. To talk about the most random things - just to know you're thinking about me.
    I will always love you. Someday, perhaps, I'll be able to hear from you again.
